Wednesday, February 8, 2017


The PSA is our second project because they are short and carry direct, unambiguous messages. Essentially the PSA is Public Service Advertising- not only an announcement.
You can also make a piece that is informational in other ways- for example that shows us something or explains something that the public should know.

An example of this kind is "The Story of Stuff" (see below)

BROTHER EARTH with Boots Riley and Josh Healey

Here is a nice black and white psa about .... living..

watch this first.


"I want to be.." campaign for recycling

this is about student debt. Follow the argument they make. How does the soundtrack communicate with different layers?

About depression. Another PSA that uses music effectively.

- too long for a psa - but effective beginning. Just watch the first minute. This is about depression.

we're all in this together

This one is smart

STudent PSA on WATER use

LOcal food movement.

This has great shots, but how does it exclude certain communities?
is the music effective or monotonous?

Gotta love this! Promotion of the internet by students made in 1995.

PSA's was Matthew Cooke's series on "How to"are videos that inform and entertain. They range from 2-7 minutes.
Take a look at one or two of these. YOu can go to Cooke's website for more.

This a comedy skit from Saturday Night Live that is constructed like a PSA. It is okay to make a satiric project as long as there is an argument made for a public concern. In this case, it is a concern to everyone if parents drive terribly.

This "Brain on Drugs" series was infamously imitated for years. Here is a little about it from Wikipedia: "The PSA, titled "Frying Pan" (a.k.a. "Fried Egg" and "Any Questions?"), was conceived by art directors Scot Fletcher and Rick Bell, copywriter Larre Johnson and creative director Paul Keye at Los Angeles-based agency Keye/Donna/Pearlstein. It was directed by Joe Pytka through his own Venice-based production company Pytka Productions and produced by agency producer Harvey Greenberg, Pytka executive producer Jane McCann and Pytka producer John Turney. Anthony Marinelli scored the shorter versions.[1][2]" The ad was chosen by TV Guide as a top ad.

Here it is:

Following that ad, on the Youtube mix, there might be a bunch of anti-marijuana ads from the 60s. They are also interesting to watch.

This ad was created for the University of Minnesota and later retracted after people complained about it. Who is your PSA for?

A TIME magazine feature about what they think are the best PSA's ever. 

ADS about texting while driving. These are extremely graphic.

PSAs are created to elevate emotional response but they also contain information. Here is the kind of information that is useful to a PSA. From an article about water in California. LINKED HERE

This PSA - DUMB WAYS TO DIE- uses sarcasm in a subtle way to get people to understand it is a bad idea to play around train tracks.
check it out:

This is a great article:

How to Create the Perfect Public Service Announcement

Whether you have a cause of your own or you are an educator, PSAs create a forum for learners to actively participate in a project that will allow them to become stewards of and advocates for social change.