Monday, October 19, 2015


For this project, we will ask you to hand in your production books- the same day as the final screening.

What do you need in your Production Book by the end of your PSA project?

A labelled tabbed PSA SECTION - Ideally with a LABELLED TAB on the edge (I will bring some into class)- You can also put a piece of tape on the edge and mark it with a pen or marker. There is tape available in the New Media Center.

The tab should say "PSA"- and NAME OF YOUR PSA

A) If you are working in a group- you hand in your books together. Please coordinate on this.
YOu do not need to repeat all the same information as we will evaluate your books them together.

  1. A page with the names of all members of your group, with phone numbers, emails and contact information such as available times- in the each of your books. 
  2. Your role (generally or specifically). What special role did each person in the production. List all the things that you did for the production. If you shot the camera for a particular shoot, list that. If you drew the storyboard, list that.
  3. Your Original treatment- (this can be copied- can be the same as what your group mates have)
  4. Rewritten treatment, typed and written according to what you actually did. Include the POV of your project in this treatment (this can be copied- can be the same as what your group mates have). What is your audience? What is your final duration?
  5. Notes from discussions with other people who have watched your shots, your drafts and your own notes after looking at your shots.  Notes on changes to make after rough cut/class screening or after critique session or meeting with classmates, teacher or TA Ellen. (might be several pages).
  6. Your research- this could be several/ many pages printed off the internet with information you have read and used in your piece. 
GROUPS: between all the group members production books you should have the following. You will hand in your books together, so we will evaluate across the books. 
  1. Your shot list (if you have made one- a good idea)
    1. Your script- if you have one, and any revisions. Include anything people in your video say, working off your storyboard. Include any text you will use in titles. 
    2. Your equipment list/needs and reservation records. What did you check out? When did you check it out?
    3. Any equipment problems you had during your shoot. Note this on a page.
    4. Your shooting location- where are you shooting? What is good about this location? What time/day? What is the light like there? What is the sound like there? Will you record sound?
    5. Include a photograph of the location or a mockup of the shot if you can. 
    6. Who is helping you? How will or did they help? Contact information: Phone numbers, emails and available hours. Include anyone who helped you including your children (you don't need to give their numbers.
    7. Who is your talent, actors, models or subjects? What roles are they playing? Include their contact information: Phone numbers, emails and available hours. Include anyone who helped you including your children (you don't need to give their numbers.
    8. Titles  you will be using (any text that will be used in post production. Make sure you spell check these and check them again.)
    9. Any sources of music. Artist and recording should be noted. Please use music that is produced locally or by a friend so you can obtain permission, or use copyright free music (check
    B)  PEOPLE PRODUCING ALONE: Your PSA section should include:
    ALL of the above in one binder.