Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Using Zebras for film correct exposure

The zebra pattern is a guide for choosing the right brightness in a shot.
Learn where the Zebra button is on the HDR AX2000

When you select the zebra ON, the brightness level appears on the screen. It will not be recorded.
There should be some lines in your scene for it to be bright enough to record.
Lines in the brightest areas, say on the face, is a good indicator.

You can set the threshold of the Zebras to 70% or 100% or other values. The lower the number, the less sensitive they are-- useful for different complexions.. A lower value is better for people with darker complexions. Start by exposing at 70%

In the below image, it shows the lightest part of the scene, the sky.

If there are lines everywhere, or on more than half of the image, your scene is probably overexposed. Close down the IRIS, or change your aperture to AUTO.

Zebras covering the entire face means there is not enough shadow to show depth in the face.

Here's a good exposure. the IRE (zebra values) is set on 70%