Saturday, January 16, 2021

DIY video for a pandemic- EXAMPLES

Making videos without cameras, with screen grabs, found footage and with the smartphone


A list of films and web series’ made with minimal resources. Each example exploits creativity in concept or production process to do more with less. 


The Follow-up A hot-off-the-presses, no-camera Pandemic personal documentary. Ben Berman, longtime comedy editor for “Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job”,  invites us to inhabit his POV as he browses the internet on his laptop. Writer’s block leads him to Cameo, a platform where you can “book” minor celebs to produce short personalized clips for you. He enlists a parade of familiar faces to provide reassurance about his worries — Is he getting old? Is he going to die of Covid-19? Along the way, news clips are interspersed, recapping the escalating crisis in America. How are you processing the pandemic psychologically?  What role do (social) media and the internet play in this process?

Every Covid-19 Commercial Is the Same.  An insightful mash-up of corporate “social responsibility” ads addressing the pandemic and a good example of an editorial “film” that uses found media in a way that creates new meaning and clearly qualifies as Fair Use.

Freeride Skiing at Home Forced to cancel a much-anticipated ski trip due to the pandemic, a filmmaker created this stop motion animation of himself skiing using a go pro and his living room as a backdrop. What are you missing out on / attempting to recreate at home?

How My Family Dealt with the Coronavirus Epidemic  NYT Op-Doc shot on a phone.  Documents one Chinese family's life under quarantine. The pedestrian quality of the cell phone footage gives it an authentic and relatable quality. (A scripted pseudo-documentary could capitalize on the same look and feel.)

Das Leek Another just-released pandemic short posted on Twitter in which 2 actors collaborate remotely to create a scripted shot/reverse-shot scene.