Saturday, January 21, 2023


READING: Moving Pictures by Russell Leigh Sharman

Sharman book  editing chapter
  1. Continuity and Narrative: Coverage, zoning, cutting on action

Acid Brass


Basics- Read this chapter on montage and editing

Film as phenomena: Simultenaeity and the shattering of the solid world 

One shot: observing the world

  1. Continuity and Narrative: Coverage, zoning, cutting on action


  • Jump cuts:  Note: not all the examples in this otherwise great tutorial are true jump cuts. Some are zoned cuts on action. See if you can figure out which is which.

Story Denali- storytelling from POV of dog 

Experimental: Found footage and layering: creating a dialogue

Example films from students 

Montage made from the everyday 

SIUC Student works:

In his essay about the long take as used by 

Quattro Volte Film Clips