Thursday, March 9, 2017

Lighting images and information. light and tone. blocking and staging homage stuff

Production week for Homage Videos- March 23

Class discussions:
  • Staging and blocking (Class breakout session)
  • Controlling light
  • Introducing Sound- Creative Sound and sound production basics (review)
  • Zettl Field Sound Chapter 9 (LINK)
  • YALE site Sound terms (LINK)- SKIM THIS! You do not need to listen to all the clips but if you choose to, you might need the below software. 
Check out: Movies in Color
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1. Controlling light and tone
Besides lighting, you can control the way a scene looks by controlling the reflectivity of elements in the scene or the tonal range.
The range  of brightness can be represented as grey tones. There are 
3 ways to control tone or brightness in a shot. 

Reflective control- which is accomplished through art direction - what people wear, what you see in scene. All talk shows and lighting schemes where there is even light diffused everywhere uses reflective control. 

Incident control- lighting. what lights you use and where you place them. 

Exposure - camera and lens adjustments

Most productions use all three forms of controlling the image. 

Here is more about tone with a bunch of illustrated examples. LINK

2. Controlling color

Contrast (difference) and Affinity (similarity) are important factors in directing the eye of the viewer.
Saturation control (how deep the colors are) is another way to control the image. 

The best way to limit colors in a scene is to limit the color palette itself.
Think about the clothes people wear and all the other items in a scene.
It is a good idea to create a color scheme.

Here is a site with selected movies and their color schemes:  LINK

Light has color too.
Here is an illustrated chart of color temperatures.

If you want to reproduce a particular light color, you can adjust your white balance to fake out the camera.

Or you can use gels- available for checkout in the checkout room.

3. Controlling saturation